MCREA Employees Rally Community Support for Teen with Brain Tumor
The medical and emotional support at Children’s Hospital Colorado gives hope to 13-year-old Ben Mettlen and his family

Empowering 20 Years of Miracles at Children’s Hospital Colorado
Alice 105.9 ‘Cares for Kids’ Radiothon raises $23 million for Children’s Hospital Colorado

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Secured Financing to Improve Energy Efficiency, Learning Environment for Nebraska High School
$30,000 in rebates from Niobrara Rural Electric Association and Tri-State Energy help support Sioux County Schools’ energy-efficient heat pump and LED lighting building project.

EEA Helps Local Schools Take Advantage of HVAC Rebates
On Monday, November 30, Empire Electric Association, Inc. (EEA), a member of Tri-State, presented a $48,600 energy efficiency rebate check to Kemper Elementary School of Montezuma-Cortez RE-1 School District. This is just one example of several schools in EEA’s service area that are taking advantage of energy efficiency incentive programs offered by EEA to finish out 2020.

Montrose-Nucla-Cahone Transmission Project Beyond the Numbers
Even by the standards of other major utility construction projects across the nation, the numbers behind Tri-State’s recently completed, 230-kilovolt Montrose-Nucla-Cahone (MNC) transmission project are staggering. Throw in a worldwide pandemic during the construction phase, and we have a real story to tell.

Tri-State, EPRI Team Bring Farm in a Box to Craig, Colorado School District
Tri-State invests in its EPRI membership and is keen to find immediately applicable uses for the remarkable technologies that emerge to benefit the electric sector and society at large. An EPRI-led team constructed the Farm in a Box in Craig, CO. The 40-foot-long shipping container is equipped with efficient lighting, temperature control, and plumbing infrastructure needed to grow crops inside the container on a year-round basis.

United Power & Tri-State Present Rebate Check to Children’s Hospital
On Friday, August 21, United Power and Tri-State presented Children’s Hospital North Campus with a rebate check for $28,761 to reimburse them for the purchase and installation of energy efficient commercial LED lighting at their new hospital addition in Broomfield.

Highlighting Member Projects for Energy Efficiency Day
Today marks a special day as we celebrate a few of our cooperative members’ Energy Efficiency project stories for 2020. Tri-State works with its member distribution systems to implement member consumer energy efficiency through a variety of products and services, including over 10,000 Energy Efficiency rebates per year.

Co-op Utility Offers Successful Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive Experience
EV Experience allows utility employees, co-op members and PPD consumers to experience first-hand what it's like behind the wheel of an EV