Wildfire Mitigation at Tri-State: A look at the multi-layer defense protecting our communities
In order to protect the people and ecosystems we serve, Tri-State has constructed and deployed a multi-layered mitigation plan. Our current approach is broken down into two categories: situational awareness and risk reduction.

Accelerating Our Future: A Q&A with Evan Jurkovich
When the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) announced $9.7 billion in funding exclusively for electric cooperatives, Evan Jurkovich worked on the team that spearheaded a proposal from Tri-State. They set out to obtain this funding in hopes of accelerating our energy transition, reducing emissions, and setting us up for success well into the 2030s while maintaining competitive rates for our members. Learn more about the proposal and the exciting next steps for Tri-State.

Bringing Efficiency Within Reach: A Q&A with Pete Rusin
As a Generation and Transmission Association (G&T), Tri-State is in a unique position to help our members achieve their individual goals at lower costs and with greater efficiency. Pete Rusin and his team are working tirelessly to bring that energy efficiency to as many members as possible thanks to initiatives like the newly-launch On-Bill Repayment program.

Diversifying Our Portfolio: A Q&A with Susan Hunter
With Tri-State’s commitment to our members using 50% clean energy in 2025 and then growing that number to 70% in 2030, there’s a lot of interest in how we will attain that goal. Our VP of Energy Resources Susan Hunter gives a look into how we’re making that happen and the 595 MW of new solar in our members’ service territories coming before that first benchmark.

Q&A with Lisa Tiffin: Planning & Analytics
The Electric Resource Plan that Tri-State filed in 2023, gives an in-depth look into how we are pursuing our energy transition with the help of clean resources to ensure reliable, affordable and responsible power for our members. In this interview, Lisa Tiffin, our SVP of energy management, breaks down the process that went into the milestone ERP filing and how an 89% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 will be achieved.

Expanding Solar Power in the West
New Mexico and Colorado rank among the six sunniest states in the nation, and are where Tri-State is ramping up solar energy production. Tri-State will add five solar projects totaling 595 megawatts to the grid for its members in 2024 and 2025. In 2025, 50% of the energy Tri-State's members use will come from renewable resources.

Stepping In: Support During Supply Chain Issues
During challenging times, it’s beneficial to have a support system you can turn to for help. That’s true for individuals and electric power providers. In the past year, Tri-State has helped our member systems, as well as several utilities experiencing supply chain issues, including another generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative in the Midwest, a federal power marketing organization and an investor-owned utility.

The Power of the Cooperative Model: Benefits of a G&T
Tri-State has 43 members, including 40 electric distribution and public power district members in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, and New Mexico. As a cooperative network, we all work together to keep the power on. That was the case last winter when one of our members needed help in an urgent way.

Putting a Pin in the Map for GIS Day
Exploring Connections Between Geography, Technology and Energy: Tri-State celebrated Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day on November 15. This event is part of Geography Awareness Week, which provides an international forum to learn how GIS captures, displays, and analyzes location data in real-world applications.