Our Momentum
“Watch our feet” has been our mantra, as we've committed to make good on our promises, delivering to our members the reliable, affordable, responsible electricity and services defined in our mission. And with our members, we haven' t just been moving, we've been steadily gaining momentum.
Tri-State is maintaining reliability while retiring coal and adding renewables.

Tri-State is making a huge investment in clean energy by adding 1,250 MW of renewables and battery storage.

Learn how collaboration and federal funding benefits both members and end-consumers
Read our Q&A with Evan Jurkovich, Energy Policy and Federal Affairs Manager

We're bringing energy efficiency within reach for members, communities and homeowners
We are focused on a few specific programs with big impacts that can help members sell more electricity and reduce their system demand while reducing emissions:
Read our Q&A with Pete Rusin, Energy Services
Energy efficient home upgrades through On-Bill Repayment
Rebates, electrification and more through our Electrify and Save® program

In 2023, Tri-State's energy services team averaged 80 electric vehicle charger rebates a month
Compared to 2021, air-source heat pump rebate applications increased more than 50% in 2023
Our energy efficiency program has been around for 40+ years, and Tri-State has processed and approved thousands of rebates

Wildfire Mitigation at Canyons of the Ancients: Protecting Culture and Community

Beat the Chill: Effective Insulation Strategies for Winter Comfort