The Current
Each month, The Current from Tri-State highlights news and features on how we and our members serve reliable, affordable, flexible and responsible power to rural communities across the West.
As Seen in The Current

How'd you get here Curtis Hartenstine?
Wildfire Mitigation Program Manager Curtis Hartentine focuses on Tri-State's wildfire risk, and what can be done to address it.

Six Tri-State members among utilities helping bring power to the Navajo Nation
In 2019, Light Up Navajo, an initiative of the NTUA and the APPA, started bringing life-changing power to U.S. citizens who have lived decades in darkness.

Terri Marranzino-Ray shares advice on Women in Public Power panel
Support Services Vice President Terri Marranzino-Ray tells her staff to look to Former Blue Angels pilot and motivational speaker John Foley.

Regional member meetings reinforce bright future ahead
Throughout October, Tri-State executive staff traveled around the members’ service territories for six regional member meetings that focused on key issues, including Tri-State’s enhanced reliability and resource adequacy, competitive wholesale rate and innovative energy services for members.

Empire Electric Association: 85 years of service
EEA is a member-owned rural electric cooperative and its day-to-day work serving its member-owners is guided by the seven cooperative principles.

How’d you get here, Zac Johnson?
As Tri-State adds its first owned solar resources, it is creating new opportunities for its employees. Zac Johnson recently took on new responsibility as solar supervisor at the Axial Basin Solar project.

Tri-State Recognized Summer Interns on National Intern Day
Tri-State recently celebrated National Intern Day on July 25. Tri-State wants to acknowledge the contributions of our interns, who play a crucial role in our company's growth and success. The Tri-State Internship Program welcomed eight interns this summer.

Spanish Peaks Solar/Spanish Peaks II Solar Construction On Schedule
The Spanish Peaks in Huerfano County, Colo., one of the more prominent geological formations in southern Colorado that have stood the test of time for more than 40 million years, are about to get a new neighbor by the end of the year.

Supply Chain Services helps Tri-State, members provide reliability, affordability
All of us at one time or another have experienced the inability to find an item we needed to purchase, or have had to settle for a different or novel solution to our requirements. Now imagine that solution at prices three or four times the cost of what one used to pay prior to 2020. That has been the ongoing nature of the post-pandemic, worldwide supply chain crisis.