A Day on the Line
Tri-State celebrates Lineworker Appreciation Day on Monday, April 11. A day to honor the people who make up our Transmission Maintenance staff, which includes over 240 lineworkers and substation, construction, and telecommunication technicians. In preparation for this article, two members of Tri-State’s Communication team shadowed five lineworkers on a project in Poudre Valley REA’s service territory.

Northwest Leading the EV Charge in Nebraska
Dawes County, Nebraska is becoming a leader in beneficial energy, and much of that progress can be attributed to the work done by Northwest Rural Public Power District. Learn more about their efforts to promote EVs, charging infrastructure and outdoor power equipment.

Co-op Strides to Support Colorado Resident
Highline Electric Association Employees Continue Fundraising Support for Longtime Resident with Heart Defect

Winter Park Resort is EV Ready
Thanks to the help of Mountain Parks Electric and Tri-State, Winter Park Resort is ready for electric vehicles.

Tri-State support of “Farm in a Box” continues at New Mexico State University in Grants
Tri-State’s CEO Duane Highley joined New Mexico State University (NMSU) Chancellor Dan Arvizu and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Senior Director David Porter on Sept. 10 in Grant, N.M., to dedicate the generation and transmission cooperative’s second “Farm in a Box” effort to identify value-added alternatives for sustainable agriculture production in the region.

Lineworker Appreciation Day
Lineworker Appreciation Day, April 12th, 2021 - Celebrating the Teams Behind Electricity Transmission

Second EV Bus Rolls Out from Colorado's West Grand School District
A group of West Grand School District (WGSD) seniors had the honor to be the first official riders on the district’s new electric vehicle (EV) school bus during a dedication on March 18th in Kremmling, Colorado. The 78-passenger all-electric bus has a 120-mile range and three times the torque of the diesel bus it replaced.

Highline Electric Association Supports Members During February 2021 Cold Weather
The inherent advantages of the U.S. electric cooperative model have been known for decades. During the Feb. 13-18 Arctic cold wave that affected most of the nation, however, the Highline Electric Association in Holyoke, Colo., took the principles of cooperation among cooperatives and concern for the community to new levels.

Winter Storm Readiness to Ensure Reliable Power
Keeping energy flowing to your home and business is a 24/7 job. Tri-State works closely with its 42 member electric co-ops and public power districts to deliver electricity to more than one million consumers across four states.