Tri-Stater trades car keys for a bike and a helmet
Carolyn Tucker, internal communications specialist, decided to join Tri-State’s National Bike Challenge team following surgery and is looking forward to getting some exercise while strengthening both her knees.
Rancho Largo receives Leopold Conservation Award
The 2017 Leopold Conservation Award, recognizing the “ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage,” goes to Grady Grissom, co-owner of Rancho Largo in Fowler, Colorado.
Tri-State's Montrose Maintenance Center helps out a neighbor
Tri-State Technician Chris Depuy's two-day critical repair project involved harsh weather conditions and creative problem solving.
Tri-State employees give to their communities over the holidays
Tri-State employee donations will continue to make a difference in their communities beyond the 2016 holiday season.
Motorcyclists and community invited to support inaugural motorcycle toy run to brighten the holidays for children and teens
A motorcycle holiday toy run for Haven House families is a natural expansion of Montrose staff’s volunteer efforts.
Tri-State veterans share stories of leadership, teamwork and dedication
This November, our employees heard from four veterans whose diverse career paths led them to Tri-State.
Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry board adds Walz
Tri-State's Barbara Walz was voted on to the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry board for a 3-year term.
Youth learn valuable skills at Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp
Nearly 100 teens gathered at Glen Eden Resort near Steamboat Springs for annual Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp.
Colowyo Mine – big on safety
Two years ago last April, Colowyo Mine started on their way toward more than 800,000 hours without a lost-time accident.