Temperatures are on the rise, and summer is predicted to be hotter than average, according to both the National Weather Service and Old Farmer’s Almanac Guide. Here are 6 energy-saving tips you can implement to ensure your home is ready for the heat, without spending a lot of money or energy.
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The 50th Earth Day is coming up on Wednesday, April 22nd. Even while we’re doing our parts to stay home and stay safe, we can plan to make a difference this Earth Day with these 10 Simple Energy-Saving Tips
Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association continues to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 across its member service area. As the pandemic impacts our member communities, we understand the potential for increasing financial struggles facing consumers as schools and businesses close. With more kids and parents staying home from school and work, there will be an influx of daily energy use. Here are tips and suggestions to lower your energy consumption while staying at home.
In every home in America, money is spent on energy consumption. With the average electricity spend per year at $1,368.36, and in some cases, about 35% of the electricity used is actually wasted. Whether you use electricity, propane or natural gas as an energy source, there are ways to conserve and reduce your power bills for heating, air conditioning, lighting, and water heating.
The first steps to reducing your electricity bill are to understand where you're using the most energy, and then look for ways to reduce the amount of energy you use.