Transmission projects
One of the ways Tri-State dependably delivers power to each of our member cooperatives is by continually investing in our transmission infrastructure.
The West’s vast power supply network is currently strained, so we see system-wide improvements and expansion efforts as essential to enhancing regional power reliability. Additional transmission facilities allow us to access more diverse energy resources, including sources producing renewable energy - and investing additional lines alleviates transmission constraints to make renewable energy projects more economically viable. Learn more about our renewable resources.
Frequently discussed topics
Tri-State has gathered background information about a few key topics related to transmission line construction and operations.
Understanding the siting, environmental and permitting process
We use an open and comprehensive siting process that considers electric system planning, economic, environmental, public involvement, regulatory, land rights and engineering considerations. Learn more
Rights of way for power lines and access roads
Once a route is selected and the necessary land use permits have been obtained, we work directly with affected landowners and other stakeholders to acquire the necessary power line and access easements for projects. Learn more
Information about undergrounding high-voltage transmission lines
High-voltage overhead transmission lines are an established method to transport bulk electricity across long distances because they are reliable, low cost, and easily maintained. An underground line is expected to be 4 to 10 times the cost of an overhead line due to time, materials, process and the use of specialized labor. Landowners or jurisdictional bodies who wish to bury a line must submit a formal request to Tri-State. Learn more
Environmental Health
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are present wherever there is a flow of electricity. Electric lights, appliances, computers, power lines, home wiring and other devices that carry or use electricity all create EMFs. Tri-State encourages everyone with concerns about the relationship between EMFs and health issues to review the research and information available and make their own assessment.
For further EMF information, consult the following: Tri-State EMF Position Statement, EMF and Your Health – 2015 Update, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the World Health Organization (WHO) .