Committing to community and employees
Support community and employee transition
- Retraining and transition support for employees affected by facility retirements.
- Working with impacted communities to find meaningful economic development opportunities.
- Working with local, state and federal leaders to support a just transition.
Progress in 2022
- In partnership with state and local leaders, Tri-State is in the process of hiring a facilitator to guide discussions to explore community assistance opportunities for the City of Craig and Moffatt County, in preparation for the retirement of Craig Station by 2030.*
- Donated $50,000 for local economic development to the Rifle Regional Economic Development Corporation following the retirement of the Rifle Generating Station.
- Collaborated with partners to advance opportunities to retain employment and revenue in transitioning communities through co-location of clean energy projects at power plants, including by responding to federal requests for information.
- Continued working with Nucla, CO area officials to explore economic development opportunities.
Our Responsible Energy Plan changes Tri-State as a cooperative, including by directly impacting nearly half of our employees and many of the communities in which they live and work. After their commitment to keeping the lights on for all of us, Tri-State is committed to helping them better-manage the challenges of the transition.
To learn more, download the Responsible Energy Plan: Progress Highlights.
*Tri-State filed a landmark, uncontested settlement with more than two dozen parties on Phase I of its Colorado Electric Resource Plan in January 2022. A Colorado Administrative Law Judge recommended approval of the settlement in March 2022, with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approving in April 2022.
Increase clean energy
By 2025, 50% of the electricity our members use will come from clean resources
Reducing emissions
Eliminate emissions from our coal plants in CO and NM by 2030
Increase member flexibility
More local renewables for members through contract flexibility