We uphold our commitment to education and training by offering you, our association members, education and training for your consumers and staff to improve understanding of the cooperative advantage and to strengthen work relationships.

Story Behind the Switch
Interactive and engaging electricity and safety education program for kindergarteners to high school seniors in your community. Check out the Story Behind the Switch lesson plan.
Who: K-12 grades
Length: 45-60 minute
Format: interactive, multi-media and paper handouts
Location: schools or youth organizations in your service territory
When: schedule based on school’s needs and Tri-State’s availability

Agricultural Reader (Ag Reader) student activity newspaper
Each fall, Tri-State provides you with this publication so you can offer electricity education to your members’ elementary students. The Ag Reader newspaper empowers you to engage your local schools.
Who: K-12 grade students, teachers and parents
What: 8-page publication
Distribution: we provide your cooperative with copies to distribute to your local schools
When: Fall
Order through your Tri-State relationship manager or Michelle Pastor at mpastor@tristategt.org

National Energy Education Development (NEED) Teacher Conference
Engaging, hands-on electricity science training for teachers held every summer at Tri-State’s headquarters. Educators learn about energy, receive classroom resources and curriculum aligned to their state standards and enjoy professional development and networking.
Who: 4th-12th grade teachers in your service territory
Length: three days
Format: interactive
Location: Tri-State’s headquarters in Westminster, Colorado
When: every summer, when school is out
To apply, contact Michelle Pastor at mpastor@tristategt.org or apply online and get conference info here.
The Road to Member Engagement
Touchstone Energy’s Road to Member Engagement is an interactive workshop designed to inspire in your team a sense of pride about working for a cooperative or public power district and a desire to enhance every member experience. The workshop highlights the cooperative difference and its many advantages and motivates your employees to step up as powerful ambassadors for your organization.
Who: your staff
Length: 90 minutes
Format: interactive workshop
Location: your office
When: schedule based on your needs and Tri-State’s availability
Schedule with Michelle Pastor at mpastor@tristategt.org
Service Excellence Part 1
Service Excellence emphasizes the importance of going beyond the everyday transaction to anticipate the members’ needs before they occur, which creates service opportunities for your team. In this workshop, your employees learn the importance of building relationships and developing communication skills to enhance both internal and external interactions.
Who: your staff and board members
Length: full day
Format: interactive workshop
Location: your office
When: schedule based on your needs and Tri-State’s availability
Schedule with Michelle Pastor at mpastor@tristategt.org