Continental Divide Electric Cooperative uses community outreach to energize annual meetings
If you’re having a hard time engaging member-owners to attend annual meetings or participate in the voting process, take a look at what Continental Divide Electric Cooperative (CDEC) has done to encourage mutual benefits for their cooperative, members and community.
CDEC has partnered with Cibola General Hospital to host a health & safety fair to coincide with their annual meeting for the past six years. The success of this led to a partnership with the Grants/Cibola County Chamber of Commerce, also holding a “Shop Local” showcase at the event for the past four years.
This alliance has benefited the co-op, member-owners, Cibola General Hospital and the Chamber of Commerce. Cibola General Hospital Director of Marketing Cynthia Tena said “We were able to give all age ranges, from babies to seniors, great information about health and get them on track to being healthy… We were able to put on a beneficial event for our community.”
Cibola General Hospital offered free and discounted lab work, hosted CPR demonstrations and provided free child safety-seat fittings. During the safety fair, there is a lifeguard helicopter landing and a go-cart DWI demonstration with the Grants Police Department. In the past, the event has also included, National Parks Service’s “Junior Ranger Day,”a Fun Run at the high school track and a petting zoo.
Like all co-ops, CDEC set a goal to meet quorum for this event – they wanted at least 553 members to attend so official business could be conducted – and they were pleased to register close to 600 individuals. We’d like to extend our congratulations to CDEC members and staff for turning its annual meeting into a positive community outreach opportunity.